Научные интересы:
Структура и динамика сообществ живых организмов, межвидовые отношения
Избранные публикации:
- Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Effects of a trophic cascade on a multi-level facilitation cascade. Journal of Animal Ecology, v. 90(10), 2021, pp. 2462-2470
- Golikova E., Varfolomeeva M., Yakovis E., Korsun S. Saltmarsh foraminifera in the subarctic White Sea: thrive in summer, endure in winter. Estuar. Coast. Shelf. Sci., v. 238, 2020, 106685
- Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Epibenthic predators control mobile macrofauna associated with a foundation species in a sub-arctic subtidal community. Ecology and Evolution, v. 9, 2019, pp. 10499-10512
- Chava A., Artemieva A., Yakovis E. Plant part age and size affect sessile macrobenthic assemblages associated with a foliose red algae Phycodrys rubens in the White Sea. Diversity, v. 11(5), 2019, 80
- Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Cockles, barnacles and ascidians compose a subtidal facilitation cascade with multiple hierarchical levels of foundation species. Scientific Reports, v.7, 2017, 237
- Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Bored to death: community-wide effect of predation on a foundation species in a low disturbance arctic subtidal system. PLoS One, v. 10, 2015, e0132973
- Tamberg Y., Shunatova N., Yakovis E. Solitary entoprocts living on bryozoans — commensals, mutualists or parasites? J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., v. 440, 2013, pp. 15-21
- Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N. Synchronous annual recruitment variation in barnacles and ascidians in the White Sea shallow subtidal 1999—2010. Hydrobiologia, v. 706, 2013, pp. 69-79
- Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A. Intraspecific variation in stable isotope signatures indicates no small-scale feeding interference between a horse mussel and an ascidian. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., v. 467, 2012, pp. 113-120
- Varfolomeeva M.A., Artemieva A.V., Shunatova N.N., Yakovis E.L. Growth and survival of barnacles in presence of co-dominating solitary ascidians: growth ring analysis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 363(1), 2008, pp. 42-47
- Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Shunatova N.N., Varfolomeeva M.A. Multiple foundation species shape benthic habitat islands. Oecologia, v. 155(4), 2008, pp. 785-795
- Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N. Effect of habitat architecture on mobile benthic macrofauna associated with patches of barnacles and ascidians. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., v. 348, 2007, pp. 117-124
- Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Grishankov A.V., Shunatova N.N. Patches of barnacles and ascidians in soft bottoms: associated motile fauna in relation to the surrounding assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., v. 327(2), 2005, pp. 210-224
- Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V. Spatial pattern indicates an influence of barnacle and ascidian aggregations on the surrounding benthic assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., v. 309(2), 2004, pp. 155-172
- Yakovis E.L. Substrate preferences of a non-colonial kamptozoan, and its interactions with bryozoan hosts. Marine Biology, v. 141(6), 2002, pp. 1109-1115
- Temereva E.N., Malakhov V.V., Yakovis E.L., Fokin M.V. Phoronis ovalis (Phoronida, Lophophorata) in the White Sea: the first discovery of phoronids in the Arctic Basin. Dokl. Biol. Sci., v. 374, 2000, p. 523-525
Научные проекты:
- Межвидовые отношения в сообществах с унитарными и модулярными животными
- Роль вторичных эдификаторов в каскадах положительных межвидовых отношений
- Регуляция каскадов положительных межвидовых отношений хищниками