Биологический факультет СПбГУ

Кафедра прикладной экологии - сотрудники

Низамутдинов Тимур Ильгизович
Должность: инженер-исследователь, аспирант основной образовательной программы «Экология. Биоразнообразие и охрана природы»      
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E-mail: st086747@student.spbu.ru
    Публикации и цитирование в базах:
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    Научные интересы:

    Экология почв, агроэкосистемы Арктики, экологический мониторинг, геохимических цикл углерода в бореальных и полярных экосистемах

    Читаемые курсы:

    Избранные публикации :

    1. Nizamutdinov, T., Abakumov, E., & Morgun, E. (2021). Morphological features, productivity and pollution state of abandoned agricultural soils in the Russian Arctic (Yamal Region). One Ecosystem (6, e68408). doi: 10.3897/oneeco.6.e68408, Q1 IF 3.6
    2. Nizamutdinov, T.; Abakumov, E.; Morgun, E.; Loktev, R.; Kolesnikov, R. Agrochemical and Pollution Status of Urbanized Agricultural Soils in the Central Part of Yamal Region. Energies 2021, 14, 4080. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14144080 Q2 IF 3.3 
    3. Nizamutdinov, T.; Morgun, E.; Pechkin, A.; Kostecki, J.; Greinert, A.; Abakumov, E. Differentiation of Trace Metal Contamination Level between Different Urban Functional Zones in Permafrost Affected Soils (the Example of Several Cities in the Yamal Region, Russian Arctic). Minerals 2021, 11, 668. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11070668 Q2 IF 2.6
    4. Nizamutdinov, T., Andreev, M., Abakumov, E., 2021. The role of the ornithogenic factor in soil formation on the Antarctic oasis territory Bunger Hills (East Antarctica). Eurasian J. Soil Sci. 10(4): 308 - 319. DOI:10.18393/ejss.962538 Q3 IF 0.9
    5. Polyakov, V.; Nizamutdinov, T.; Abakumov, E.; Morgun, E. Soil Diversity and Key Functional Characteristics of Yakutsk City: Largest Urbanized Cryogenic World’s Ecosystem. Energies 2021, 14, 3819. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14133819 Q2 IF 3.3 
    6. Abakumov E, Nizamutdinov T, Yaneva R and Zhiyanski M (2021) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Potentially Toxic Elements in Soils of the Vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Antarctic Peninsula). Front. Environ. Sci. 9:656271. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2021.656271 Q1 IF 4.2
    7. Lodygin E, Abakumov E, Nizamutdinov T. The Content of Polyarenes in Soils of Antarctica: Variability across Landscapes. Land. 2021; 10(11):1162. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111162 Q2 IF 3.4
    8. Abakumov E, Kushnov I, Nizamutdinov T, Tembotov R. Cryoconites as biogeochemical markers of anthropogenic impact in high mountain regions: analysis of polyaromatic pollutants in soil-like bodies. One Ecosystem 2022;7:e78028. https://doi.org/10.3897/oneeco.7.e78028. Q1 IF 3.6
    9. Abakumov, E., Nizamutdinov, T., and Polyakov, V. 2021. Analysis of the polydispersity of soil-like bodies in glacier environments by the laser light scattering (diffraction) method. Bio. Comm. 66(3): 198–209. https://doi.org/10.21638/ spbu03.2021.302
    10. Abakumov, E., Kushnov, I., Nizamutdinov, T., & Tembotov, R. (2022). Cryoconites as biogeochemical markers of anthropogenic impact in high mountain regions: analysis of polyaromatic pollutants in soil-like bodies. One Ecosystem, 7, e78028.
    11. Nizamutdinov, Т. I., Suleymanov, A. R., Morgun, E. N., Dinkelaker, N. V., & Abakumov, E. V. (2022). Ecotoxicological Analysis of Fallow Soils at the Yamal Experimental Agricultural Station. Food Processing: Techniques & Technology, 52(2).
    12. Suleymanov, A., Nizamutdinov, T., Morgun, E., & Abakumov, E. (2022). Evaluation and Spatial Variability of Cryogenic Soil Properties (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, Russia). Soil Systems, 6(3), 65.
    13. Polyakov, V., Kartoziia, A., Nizamutdinov, T., Wang, W., & Abakumov, E. (2022). Soil-geomorphological mapping of Samoylov Island based on UAV imaging. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1628.
    14. Nizamutdinov, T., Mavlyudov, B., Wang, W., & Abakumov, E. (2022). The body of the Bellingshausen Ice Dome as a biogeochemical space. Solid Earth Sciences, 7(3), 215-236.
    15. Nizamutdinov, T., Suleymanov, A., Morgun, E., Yakkonen, K., & Abakumov, E. (2022). Soils and olericultural practices in circumpolar region of Russia at present and in the past. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6.
    16. Nizamutdinov, T., Mavlyudov, B., Polyakov, V., & Abakumov, E. (2023). Sediments from cryoconite holes and dirt cones on the surface of Svalbard glaciers: main chemical and physicochemical properties. Acta Geochimica, 42(2), 346-359.
    1. Полярное земледелие в Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе. Возрождение / Е. Н. Моргун, Е. В. Абакумов, Т. И. Низамутдинов, Р. М. Ильясов ; Научный центр изучения Арктики; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет; НЦМУ «Агротехнологии будущего». – Санкт-Петербург : Центр научно-производственных технологий "Астерион", 2022. – 250 с. – ISBN 978-5-00188-271-8. – EDN UVEIQA

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